Sunday, December 2, 2012

Les Miserables - Official Trailer (HD)

I would love to see this film and encourage my students to see it, especially when we study the French Revolution in January!

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Upcoming Lincoln Movie

I am looking forward to this upcoming film about Abraham Lincoln and the civil war. I am confident that it will be an accurate film. But, as with most Hollywood films based on history, I am sure there will be elements that take some dramatic license. I trust that Mr. Spielberg paid close attention to historic accuracy. But I will be checking to make sure he does. That is what this blog is all about. Please enjoy the trailer below.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

New Movie Blog & Count Dracula Feature

Welcome to my new blog on movies based on history! I plan on using this blog to post information about some of my favorite history films and offer some critiques of how Hollywood has handled history. I also just want to talk about some of my favorite films and books. So for starters, I want a place to post one of my YouTube playlists. One of my favorite books I read for the first time in 1989. It was Dracula by Bram Stoker. I have seldom, if ever found a movie version that was very faithful to the book. I thought the "Bram Stoker's Dracula" version from back in the early 1990s attempted to be faithful, but changed several things for appeal. I did not like that version. But I recently found this version from a BBC drama back in 1977. I wanted to post the playlist here so I can be watched from YouTube straight through. I think this might be pretty close to the book. Here it is. Enjoy!